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Local Auto Service

Backed by National Warranty Protection

Shop Tires
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Tires & Auto Maintenance at Carney Tire Pros

Carney Tire Pros has kept cars and trucks running dependably with professional tire sales and auto maintenance for drivers in Parkville, MD. Our automotive center offers full-service auto repair on all makes and models of vehicles, and we always use high-quality aftermarket and original equipment manufacturer (OEM) parts. You can get outstanding tires at affordable prices from many top brands, including Uniroyal®, Firestone, Bridgestone, Michelin®, General, Continental, BFGoodrich®, and many others. We provide customers with the convenience of shopping in person, over the phone, or online while working hard to make sure you get what you need so you can focus on the road ahead.

jeep on rocky cliff

Professional Service Going Beyond Tire Sales

While it is true we are the area’s tire pros offering one of the largest tire selections to customers, you can get more than tires sales and installation at our shop. Our technicians are ready to serve you with a wide array of automotive maintenance needs, including inspections, oil changes, and engine repairs. Visit us to receive all the following services:

  • Engine Service
  • Brake Repair
  • Alignment
  • Oil Changes
  • Muffler Repair
  • State Inspections
  • Recommended Manufacturer Preventative Maintenance
  • Car and Truck Battery Replacement
  • And Many Other Services

Contact Us to Schedule an Appointment

You can trust Carney Tire Pros in Parkville, MD whenever you need automotive repairs, new tires, or regular car maintenance to stay up to date. We will get your vehicle back on the road as soon as possible with our excellent professional repairs and service. Contact us to schedule service today.

Why Choose Carney Tire Pros?

Staying on top of auto repairs and maintenance is the surest way to get the most mileage and longevity out of your vehicle. Carney Tire Pros is known as a reliable automotive service provider using exceptional parts manufactured for your specific car or truck. Our service quality gives you peace of mind whenever you get behind the wheel. Besides our affordable prices, an impressive selection of tires, and friendly service, our customers come to us for the following reasons:

Locally Owned & Operated
Worry-Free Services
Dependable Technicians
Nationwide Warranties
Servicing All Makes and Models
Financing Options Available


Carney Tire Pros

8743 Satyr Hill Rd
Parkville, MD 21234


Hours of Operation
Monday: 7:30 AM – 7:00 PM
Tuesday: 7:30 AM – 6:00 PM
Wednesday: 7:30 AM – 6:00 PM
Thursday: 7:30 AM – 6:00 PM
Friday: 7:30 AM – 6:00 PM